Friday 4 July 2014

Festival Queen & Commitment

Okay. So this happens to be my first post. These pictures were taken way back when I was chosen to represent my school for festival queen all over our division. I just decided to post these because they're the only pictures I have on my laptop this current moment. I'm thinking of saving up to by a DSLR camera because I'd just like to really be committed to updating this blog and the only way I can do that is if I had a camera. Imagine all the beauty I could capture and show on my blog! It would become my new passion until, you know, I get bored of it. Or too busy. But I just really want to practice being truly committed to something like I was during this competition.

I won 1st runner-up, by the way. This lovely girl beside me won the over all competition. It was a really grand experience, one that I wish I could experience again.

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